Direct Written Corrective Feedback on Junior High School Students’ Recount Text Composition

  • Muhammad Irfan Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Flores Timur
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Keywords: direct written corrective feedback, junior high school students, recount text composition


This present study is aimed to investigate the extent to which direct written corrective feedback (CF) assists students in minimizing students’ errors on recount text composition. This qualitative study was carried out in class VIII C at a junior high school in Malang. The Subjects of this study were the English teacher from class VIII C at the school and six students from three different levels of proficiency in this class. This present study found that: (1) Students made six types of errors on their recount text compositions after receiving direct written CF, 2) Direct written CF assists low proficiency students to a little extent in minimizing their errors on recount text compositions, (3) Direct written CF assists average proficiency students to a little extent in minimizing their errors on recount text compositions, (4) Direct written CF assists high proficiency students to a medium extent in minimizing their errors on recount text compositions.


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