Regresi Moderasi dan Narasi Keagamaan di Sosial Media

Fakta dan Strategi Pengarusutamaan


  • Ahmad Alfajri UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
  • Abdul Haris Pito Pusdiklat Tenaga Teknis Pendidikan dan Keagamaan



regression, moderation, tolerance, Indonesian Islam


[MODERATION REGRESSION AND RELIGIOUS NARRATIVE IN SOCIAL MEDIA, MAINSTREAMING FACTS AND STRATEGIES] This paper discusses the decline of religious moderation in Indonesia and strategies to neutralize and restore religious moderation. The decline is seen through the decreasing level of tolerance both within and between religions and the growing numbers of religious intolerance narratives on various social media platforms. This is qualitative research by using secondary data produced by credible research institutions. This research found that the regression of religious moderation in Indonesia is a fact and social media has contributed significantly to the spread of intolerance narrative; in addition, social media has become a new religious reference, replacing the conventional authority. This study also sees the central role of educational institutions and civil society in restoring the spirit of religious moderation in Indonesia, also it finds the central role of stakeholders to work collaboratively across sectors.


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