Pendidikan Humanisme Jean-Paul Sartre

  • Eko Ariwidodo Pusat Studi Sosial dan Asia Tenggara, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura
  • Nasrulloh Pusdiklat Tenaga Teknis Pendidikan dan Keagamaan, Kementerian Agama RI, Jakarta
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Keywords: humanism, existensialim, education


Humans are involved in creating themselves and the world through concrete choices and actions, thereby assigning value to those choices and actions. Humans, as etre pour soi can transcendence. Man is not to facticity, to the way of being etre en soi. Sartre on this basis, emphasized existentialism as humanism. Existentialism is not an evil or arbitrary freedom, so it is necessary to explain why existentialism and education are two things that are significantly very influential in the world of contemporary learning. The study in this article uses a distinctive method related to a school of philosophy, namely existentialism. Existentialism is a philosophical method that emphasizes individual existence and individual freedom. This school of thought developed rapidly and influenced many writers, especially in the twentieth century. The most prominent characteristic of existentialism is the emergence of human awareness of himself. A theory of the search for self-meaning that every human being asks about his existence. Awareness and personal responsibility are essential issues in human life. It is related to efforts to realize human life as authentic or genuine. Awareness and personal responsibility are related to human attitudes and actions in filling the space of freedom they have, including education. Attitudes and actions taken by every human being do not stand in a space. It must be accounted for against actual human values, for the duties that are the obligations and expectations of others. Awareness and responsibility are human characteristics. Every human being in his heart owns consciousness, so that awareness is generally related to morals in the future, commonly called moral awareness. Moral awareness is often also called the inner voice; it becomes the primary presupposition of human moral action in education. In line with this, every human being has the right. It is also obliged to live according to what has been realized as an obligation and responsibility. Morally, every human being must decide for himself what to do, especially in the field of education, as well as educators.


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